Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Vecchiato's Voice - February 28, 2006 - My E-Mail To Langley Township

I sent the following E-Mail to the people below. Let’s see if I get a response.

To Date only Two Councillors responded. They are Kim Richter and Jordan Bateman. Jordan Bateman stated that he would include the information with the tree by-law so he can use it as reference. Also Kim Richter said that she will raise the issues at council.

----- Original Message -----
From: Cathleen Vecchiato
Cc: aneufeld@tol.bc.ca Al Neufeld ; khoulden@tol.bc.ca Kurt Houlden ; jgeraghty@tol.bc.ca John Geraghty; mayorandcouncil@tol.bc.ca Mayor and Councillors
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2006 11:16 PM
Subject: Tree By-law

Dear Township Staff and Council:

I understand that an open house will be held so that residents can submit feedback. One of the statements in document cdtree new 05-248 is that "The proposed bylaw does not apply to ALR lands because the Township lacks the jurisdiction to regulate tree cutting on these lands." However, other municipalities, Saanich in particular, require an affidavit swearing that land reserve trees are being removed for agricultural purposes only.

In addition, according to Canadian Wildlife Service, the International Migratory Bird Act supersedes the Right to Farm Act. We are in a position with this draft to make sensible additions.

Although the by-law and explanatory document are well-crafted, there are many areas that are not addressed, such as:
*If a parcel is heavily forested, couldn't staff and council mandate clustering instead of a grid pattern development? (Note that roads can curve around existing trees, thus beautifying the development).
*Reconsideration the assigning of bonus density by township, not chosen by developer.
*The potential damage of clearing and windthrow on adjacent property needs to be considered. This happens on private property and development property. In the event windthrow affects a neighboring property, who is liable?
*Allow clearing, but require a permit during nesting season, which begins March 10. This should apply to all parcels in the township. North Vancouver requires permits and proof of no nesting activity in this window.

Please note recent reports of wild bird deaths in Europe. Shouldn't we be doing our best to protect the avian species we have?

I ask you to reconsider the lack of impact the draft by-law may have. Can any of you speculate as to what difference it will make? I trust that Planning is familiar with other municipalities, and each of their restrictions is a by-law unto itself.

Thank you for your consideration.

Cathleen Vecchiato

Cathleen Vecchiato has been an outspoken environmentalist for the past 5-1/2 years. She is a very well recognized champion of the environment and a community activist in Langley as well as in other adjoining communities. Cathleen formed and leads the Langley Conservation Network. Editor-LFP

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