Thursday, February 09, 2006

Build Social Housing or Just Provide Rental Supplements? Coleman to decide

Rich Coleman's plans to start handing out rental supplements in lieu of building more social housing is stating to get the ire up from a Vancouver City Councillor as reported by Public Eye Online. A valid point though is that he is apparently refusing to talk about his strategy yet has strategically shared the plans with the Canadian Home Builders' Association. This strategy seems to be a lot like the Federal Conservative Child Care Strategy. Provide money but no spaces. Lets face it we need the spaces. We at LFP are not quite sure yet what stance is more correct but without clarification from Minister Coleman, we tend to initially agree that building spaces is better than providing rental supplements, especially in an over heated market leading up to 2010. You can bet on one thing, this will be a hot potato and a major test for Minister Coleman because the NDP, municipal leaders from councils like Vancouver and the media will pounce on this one. The really sad thing is that we need more social housing not more political rhetoric.

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